Leading with Security Leads to Successful Development with DevSecOps

Don Miller

The “DevOps” model blends cultural philosophies, practices, and tools to boost an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services quickly.  It helps teams evolve and enhance products faster than traditional software development methods allow. This agility means organizations can respond better to customer needs and stay ahead in the competitive market.

As organizations increasingly adopt DevOps practices to streamline their development and operations, the integration of security—known as DevSecOps—has become crucial.  At bTrade, we believe in weaving security into every phase of our development process.  In this blog, we’ll examine the “DevSecOps” guidelines produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) and reveal how these principles shape our software development, including for TDXchange, our enterprise Managed File Transfer (“MFT”) solution.

Understanding DevSecOps

DevSecOps is probably best understood through use of a hypothetical.  Imagine if your favorite coffee shop decided to cut corners on food safety, only to find out they were brewing up a disaster.  That’s what happens when security is treated as a last-minute consideration in software development.  DevSecOps extends DevOps by embedding security from the very start.  Instead of finding security flaws at the end of development—when fixing them is like trying to cram for a final exam the night before —DevSecOps ensures that we catch and fix issues early.  This proactive approach means your final product is fortified, not frazzled.

NIST’s DevSecOps Guidelines

In Special Publication 800-218, title “Secure Software Development Framework” (“SSDF”), NIST has crafted a set of best practices to guide effective DevSecOps implementation.  These guidelines influence our development processes, as explained below.

1. Integrating Security Throughout Development

SSDF is like having a GPS for your security journey—it shows you where you need to go and how to avoid detours.  It emphasizes integrating security from planning and design through to deployment and operation.  This approach involves adopting practices and tools that automate security testing and compliance checks at every stage, so security is less of a hurdle and more of a well-paved road.

2. Embracing Automation for Security

Automation is DevSecOps’s secret sauce.  Think of it as your personal security watchdog working around the clock.  NIST recommends using automated tools to spot vulnerabilities and ensure compliance.   For instance, incorporating automated vulnerability scanning and static code analysis into your CI/CD pipeline is like having a digital detective on duty, sniffing out issues before they become full-blown problems.

3. Managing Risk and Ensuring Compliance

Incorporating risk assessment into DevSecOps is like having a financial planner who always knows where you stand—except, instead of managing your money, they’re managing your risks.  NIST’s guidelines stress the importance of ongoing risk evaluation.  By constantly assessing risks and adjusting our security measures, you ensure that your applications remain as compliant and resilient as a well-prepared scout.

How We Implement DevSecOps at bTrade

At bTrade, we’re all about practicing what we preach.   Here’s how we bring SSDF and DevSecOps principles to life, especially in our Managed File Transfer solution, TDXchange:

1. Embedding Security from the Start

We don’t just sprinkle security on top like an afterthought.  From day one, our development teams integrate security requirements into the design and planning stages.  It’s like starting a recipe with the best ingredients—security is baked in from the beginning.

2. Utilizing Automated Security Tools

Our CI/CD pipeline is like having a high-tech security system for your home—complete with alarms, surveillance, and regular checks.  We deploy automated tools for security testing and continuous monitoring, such as code scanning and vulnerability assessments.  This approach helps us address potential issues early and prevent them from becoming major problems later on.

3. Conducting Ongoing Risk Assessments

Think of our continuous risk assessments as a regular health check-up for your software.  We perform detailed risk assessments to tailor our security measures to ensure our software meets the highest security standards.  This helps us keep our software in tip-top shape and ready for developing threats.

4. Securing TDXchange

For TDXchange, our Managed File Transfer solution, we apply DevSecOps practices to ensure robust security.  This includes automated encryption protocols, secure authentication methods, and continuous monitoring for data breaches.  TDXchange’s customizable security settings and detailed audit logs are like having a security team that never sleeps, keeping your data transfer environment secure and alert to emerging threats.

Why DevSecOps Matters

Integrating security into every phase of the software development lifecycle is more than just a good idea; it’s essential.  By embracing NIST’s DevSecOps guidelines, we ensure that our solutions, including TDXchange, are built with security at their core.  This approach means we deliver software that’s not just functional but also secure.  We provide our customers with peace of mind because they know we are safeguarding their critical data.

If you have any questions about how we integrate DevSecOps into our development process or how it benefits solutions like TDXchange, reach out to us at info@btrade.com.