What is FIPS 140-2?
The best managed file transfer software contains the latest encryption, and the latest cryptographic standards are found in FIPS 140-2. The FIPS 140-2 encryption standards were issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and contain strict guidelines for ensuring that cryptographic-based products properly safeguard data transmissions. The government established a FIPS 140-2 accreditation program for vendors that develop cryptographic modules, and the testing of cryptographic modules is handled by approved third-party laboratories. bTrade’s managed file transfer products contain cryptography that has received FIPS 140-2 validation.
Why is FIPS Validation Important for the Managed File Transfer Process?
Traditional methods of transmitting information, such as via email or FTP, generally do not meet the FIPS 140-2 standards. If you exchange files with the federal government, it is critical that your data transmission is encrypted with a FIPS-compliant cryptographic module. In fact, federal agencies and contractors are prohibited from buying a managed file transfer solution that does not contain FIPS-validated encryption.
Managed File Transfer and FIPS 140-2 Certification
When researching managed file transfer software, it is important to determine if they have a FIPS-compliant module available, especially if you are exchanging data with the federal government or highly regulated industries. By incorporating FIPS-compliant cryptography in your managed file transfer process, it becomes much easier to do business with the federal government and other regulated industries.
To learn more about bTrade’s accredited managed file transfer software, or if you want to speak with our data security experts about how best to protect your valuable and sensitive data, please.